The Why Factor
The most important thing to think about (possibly without even knowing it) when we are having an event is the “WHY”.
Most people worry about the budget before they know why they are throwing the event! You should always know the why and then worry about the how later. The reason for this is simple. If it is important enough you will find a way to accomplish it! It doesn’t matter the cost – you will get investors, raise funds, people will chip in, etc.
To Celebrate
To Appreciate
To Recognize
To Grow
To Make a Statement
To Raise Funds
What makes each event special is the reason you are throwing the event – the theme or decor comes later.
When choosing the theme/decor we usually take into account the reason for the event. It obviously has to be appropriate. Then we think of the food, drinks, entertainment etc.
Sometimes we are the person throwing the event, sometimes it is a committee, and sometimes we hire a planner. Either way we all want our events to be a great success.
- Make it appropriate – If you are honoring a person in the community, include the people he has helped or incorporate his deeds into the theme.
- Be aware of your time constraints – Sometimes it is hard for people to gauge the amount of time it takes to put together an event. You have to consider the rental, catering, venue and attendees availability.
Lets take a school for example (my children have Cocoa and Cookie socials)
What is the school trying to do with this cocoa and cookie social?
I would venture to say that it is not to get the kids that see each other all day to socialize.
Having an event that we as parents can bring the kids to and enjoy with them will encourage us to talk to other parents. Will give us a chance to mingle with like minds. AND the PTA has a chance to get other parents to become involved. It stands to show that if Sally can help then Jen will want to too! Especially if Sally is being asked in front of Jen.
If you put to good use the WHY FACTOR your event will surely be a success!
Thanks for reading!