My son just had a birthday party! I can truly say I love kids parties -- they are
SO much fun!! With the economy the way it is I wondered what parents were saying about throwing their children
extravagant birthday parties, and here is what I found....
ALL moms will still find a way for thier child to have just as special of a birthday as years past!
For all those fabulous and loving moms out there, Here are some birthday budget tips...
Opt for CupcakesCupcakes are portion controlled and kids dont get toooo much sugar, plus no need for cake plates!
Less is MORE!!Take it back old school!! Remember all the fun you had as a kid?? Pin the tail on the donkey, Slip and slides, and pinata's are STILL awesome!
Remember Your Theme and Stick To IT!!!!Dont get a pony AND a clown, get one or the other and make it the focus!
TIME (its on your side)Shorten your party to 2-3 hours instead of 4-6 hours and plan your time wisely! Have a schedule of what you want to do and when.
Kid CountWe all know the rule of thumb is your kids age plus 1 is to be invited, but lets face it, that is hard to do without hurting some feelings these days so, schedule an RSVP time and keep to it, ask the parents to RSVP on time so that it is easier to schedule and budget for food and games!
Saying Thank YouNEVER EVER put the kids thank you's in the goodie bag -- way too impersonal! Make sure you get a shot with your birthday boy or girl and each attendee - then send them them the picture in the mail with the thank you on back (you can find picture pens at craft stores).
Your kids birthday should be fun and special -- so most importantly, dont stress yourself out thinking that you have to do everything all the time!!
Happy Party!