Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back to Basics

When planning an event it is sometimes difficult to get back to basics. With all of the stress and running around it can seem like the event has overtaken your life!

Here are a few basic tips to get you back on track when planning your event. It doesn't matter if you are planning a wedding, birthday or corporate event the basics are still the same!

1. Step away, slowly, slowly, that's right, just step away:
Step away from the grind already! It is hard to see what kind of damage we are doing from inside the eye of the tornado!

2. Reassess your situation:
Look over your timeline and check off all that is complete. For those things that still need to be completed do one thing at a time! This is hard to do if you feel like everything is equally important so...

3. Prioritize your to do list:
Prioritize which of the tasks are most important to take care of first, usually your timeline will give you this information - if it is first on the time line it should get done first. Sometimes it has the same urgency value, in this case plan to do both that day, but DO NOT SPEND ALL DAY on it!

4. But, But, But:
Do not BUT yourself into the psych ward. But, the caterer hasn't called me back, but I have not received the fax confirmation, but I have to take the kids to the dentist... If they do not call you back today, call them again tomorrow, if they have not faxed you something call to confirm they got the fax number correct, if you have other obligations that are (at this moment) calling for you, do it and come back to the task.

5. It will ALWAYS work out:
If you are following the time line it will work out especially if you are following a reasonable timeline. Just tell yourself that everything is falling into place, because if you are working on it, it is and it will.

6. Believe in yourself and your abilities:
You are a great person for the job! Otherwise you would not be appointed to do it/it would not be part of your job title! Having confidence that you will get it right is all you need!

7. No One Knows!!:
No one knows (except you and maybe the client) what was supposed to be served, what color flowers or how many flowers were suppose to arrive. Your job in planning any event is 1) making the guests feel comfortable and engaged 2) full filling your/clients/businesses needs 3)everything else. It is okay to have things not go exactly as planned - it happens the most important thing is to make sure that it does not look like anything has happened and that the guests have no idea! So you still look fabulous!

De-stress take a breather and tell your self that you are doing a fabulous job!

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